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By May 3, 2022

Diamond Insurance expands to West Coast Demerara


DIAMOND Fire and General Insurance Inc (DFGI) has opened its latest branch at Lot 17 Cornelia Ida, West Coast Demerara, as it navigates its 22nd year in the insurance business.


“It was only two months ago that we extended our accessibility to the East Bank of Demerara. Recognising the needs, and responding to public demands for better insurance options, great service, and prompt claims settlement, we are now proud to announce our presence on the West Coast of Demerara,” said Tara Chandra, the Company’s General Manager.


She added: “Diamond Insurance boasts a strong financial standing, very affordable insurance solutions, and the best turnaround time in settling claims. We are proud that, as an indigenous company, we continue to support the insuring public at the micro and macro levels, particularly during this historic evolution of Guyana.”


According to a release, Cornelia Ida is now the company’s ninth business location with other branches strategically placed throughout the coast at Corriverton, Port Mourant, Bush Lot (WCB), Mahaica, Giftland Mall, Henrietta (Essequibo Coast), and Diamond (EBD). Diamond Insurance’s head office is at 11 Lamaha Street, Queenstown, Georgetown, and it offers products in motor, fire, and other insurances such as bonds, marine and liability products.


The new location can be easily accessible on 624-WEST (9378), 276-0085 or on the 24-hour hotline 623-5038.

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Diamond Insurance comes to Diamond

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General Manager Tara Chandra

DIAMOND Fire and General Insurance Inc., an indigenous insurance company that is part of the iconic Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL) family, has opened its newest branch office at Diamond, East Bank Demerara.


According to a release, the insurance company’s branch is located within the Demerara Bank building at Diamond. As Diamond Insurance enters its 22nd year of operations, it is pleased to extend to the insuring public its eighth business location.


“As an insurer, we are pleased to announce that the strategic position of our new branch was considering the need of the public, in this instance all those who either live on or traverse the East Bank of Demerara corridor. Located within the bank’s compound, we have to offer the convenience of parking for ease of doing business, where you can experience our professional services that we continue to extend to the general insuring public. What we boast in particular is our claims-settlement reputation, which is second to none in Guyana. Visit any of our locations and feel the difference in dealing with professionals,” said Tara Chandra, the company’s general manager.


Diamond Insurance offers products in motor, fire and other categories of insurance such as bonds, marine and liability products.



The Head Office of the company is located at 11 Lamaha Street, Queenstown, Georgetown, with branch offices at Corriverton, Port Mourant, Bush Lot (WCB), Mahaica, Giftland Mall, Henrietta (Essequibo Coast), and now its newest branch at Diamond, East Bank Demerara.


“The new location can be easily accessible on 624-DIAM (3426), 265-5057 or on the 24-hour hotline 623-5038. Further information can be found on the company’s website at or its Facebook page,” the release concluded.

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Port Mourant Brach Manager Amzad Ayube hands overs the donation to Tyrone Pottaya and Ravindranauth Kissoonlall of the RHTYSC, MS.

RHTYSC receives boost from Diamond Insurance

Jul 01, 2021  Sports

Kaieteur News – The Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club MS Say Yes Programme on Tuesday last received a massive boost when insurance giants, Diamond Fire and General Insurance handed over a cartoon of trophies worth seventy thousand dollars. The donation was handed over to club executives Ravindranauth Kissoonlall and Tyrone Pottaya by Branch Manager of the Port Mourant branch of the company, Amzad Ayube during a simple presentation ceremony.


Club Secretary/CEO Hilbert Foster disclosed that the Say Yes Programme was one of the most important programmes of the club as it seeks to get youths to say yes to education, sports, culture, religion and life.

The club on an annual basis targets close to seventy thousand youths in Berbice under the programme which also includes activities to get youths to stay away from crime, suicide, alcohol, drugs and pre marital sex. Among the activities hosted as part of the Say Yes/ Say No programme are sports tournaments, educational competitions, magazines, posters, educational stickers, summer camps, distribution of sports gears and educational materials, television programmes, youth information booklets, youth fair, job fairs and youth inspiration forums. Foster stated that the donation of trophies would be a major boost for the club as it prepares to host a series of educational and sporting competitions for youths along with award ceremonies. He expressed thanks to the management of the company, especially Company Secretary Khemraj Goderdhan and Marketing Manager Priscilla Mackintosh for their cooperation.

Ayube in brief remarks stated that Diamond Insurance has always recognised the important role that youth have in society. He stated that youths are the backbone and play a vital role in the building of social cohesion and stability of a nation.
The head office of the company is located at 11 Lamaha Street, Georgetown and they have branches at Bush Lot WCB, Port Mourant, Springlands, Henrietta on the Essequibo Coast, Helena No 1 Mahaica and Giftland Mall Turkeyen.


Diamond Insurance hosts successful blood drive in Reg 2

July 12, 2021

Diamond Fire and General Insurance Inc on Saturday hosted a blood drive in collaboration with Suddie Public Hospital Blood Bank with the aim of making more blood available in Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam).

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The blood drive was held at Diamond Insurance, Henrietta, Essequibo Coast, under the theme “Give Blood Save Life.”
Marketing Manager of the insurance company, Priscilla Mackintosh stated that the event was hosted after reports surfaced about blood shortages in the region. The drive saw 16 units of blood donated.
“We are not there just for the profit…but we believe in people and the livelihood of the persons in the communities throughout Guyana. From our understanding, the 16 units was well received by the Suddie Hospital Blood Bank,” Mackintosh related.

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However, Director of the National Blood Transfusion Service, Dr Pedro Lewis said that it was the first blood drive hosted by Diamand Insurance in Region Two.
“We want to give back to the community, not just through our mandate or services that we provide but also to help save lives and make a difference to those in need. We also encourage others to get onboard and donate blood,” Dr Lewis said
Branch Manager of the insurance company, Ravi Mohan related that after they saw the report, they made contact with the RHO, Dr Ranjeev Singh, who confirmed same. As such, Diamond insurance took all the necessary steps to organise the venue where letters were sent to all the prominent businesses in the township of Anna Regina and a few others in region 2.
Mohan further remarked that whilst the drive can be considered successful, they are still hoping to have more donors in the future and will continue to host more blood drives in order to eliminate the shortage of blood within the region.


Diamond Insurance donates to CDC flood relief


Representatives of the company donate the items to Deputy Director General of the CDC, Major Loring Benons.

DIAMOND Insurance, on Friday, donated a variety of sanitisation products towards the flood-relief programme coordinated by the Civil Defence Commission (CDC).


The items were handed over to Deputy Director General of the CDC, Major Loring Benons, by Diamond’s Marketing Manager, Priscilla Mackintosh, accompanied by Accounts Officers, Devi Prashad and Xavier Singh at the Central Islamic Organization of Guyana on Woolford Avenue, Georgetown.


“We, at Diamond Insurance, empathise with all persons affected by the severe flooding in the various parts of our country at this time. We also recognise the importance of sanitisation products in preserving a safe and healthy environment, especially since we are already coping with an ongoing pandemic. We are happy to be partners with the CDC to bring much-needed relief to those affected”, Mackintosh said in a press release from the company.

Diamond Insurance, a related company of the iconic DDL Group, boasts their impressive insurance packages for Motor, Fire, Liability products, and Surety bonds among others.


The Head Office of the Company is located at 11 Lamaha Street, Queenstown, Georgetown, with branch offices at Giftland Mall, Mahaica, Bush Lot – WCB, Port Mourant, Springlands, and Henrietta on the Essequibo Coast.

New Branch Office Opening 

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On Tuesday, Dec 22, 2020, Diamond Fire and General Insurance opened its seventh office location, with this branch in the Demerara Bank building in Mahaica, Demerara East Coast. Diamond Insurance, an affiliate of the iconic DDL Group, is celebrating its 20th anniversary this month.


In photo: His Excellency Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali, Dr. Ashni K. Singh & Mr. Khemraj Goberdhan at the Ribbon Cutting of the DFGI Mahaica Branch


Diamond Insurance Opens a new Branch in Giftland Mall

August 3, 2020 Stabroek News Online 

Diamond Insurance is opening its newest location at the Giftland Mall today. The Company now boasts six locations to serve the insuring public as it celebrates its twentieth anniversary, it said in a release.

“Notwithstanding the challenges presented by the current pandemic and other factors, Diamond Insurance is proud to say that we put the public first.  Our team is well trained to provide the best service experience.


Our Company is well geared to fulfill your general insurance needs.  We are proud to be indigenous and are happy to set up our new location where we are available to you for extended hours so you can do business at your convenience. We take particular pride in our track record for claims settlement.”  Those were the words of the Company’s General Manager Tara Chandra. The Head Office of the Company is located at 11 Lamaha Street, Queenstown, Georgetown, with branch offices at 12 C Bush Lot, West Coast Berbice, Lot 1 Port Mourant, Corentyne and Lot 9 West Public Road Springlands, Corentyne and at Barakat’s Mall, Henrietta on the Essequibo Coast.  Giftland Mall has been strategically chosen to bring convenience and service to persons particularly on the East Coast of Demerara, the release said. The new location can be easily accessible on 624-MALL (6255) or hotline 623-5038. Further information can be found on the company’s website at or its Facebook page.   


June 8, 2020 Kaieteur News Online 

Diamond Fire and General Insurance Inc. yesterday announced that it launched a tailor-made motor insurance package for health workers throughout the country.


General Manager, Tara Chandra, explained: “We need to as a people recognise that while we are all taking precautions and try to stay indoors, persons who provide healthcare brave the elements and risks to ensure that medical care is not compromised. As a company, we are proud to recognise this and make this gesture, where health workers will not only enjoy our supreme service experience, but save while doing so.”
The package caters for private motor comprehensive insurance for all persons concerned with the provision of healthcare.
According to the insurance company, it is offering lower rates, disappearing excess/deductibles, free auto glass coverage, reimbursements for medical expenses and alternative transportation during downtime, among other benefits.
Among one of the key benefits is that coverage includes extended perils such as flood, riot and strike as well as civil commotion.
‘No Claim Discounts’ can accumulate as much as 70%, which is beyond the traditional 60% maximum offered in the local industry.
Diamond Insurance is celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2020 and is headquartered on Lamaha Street, Queenstown, Georgetown.
It has branches in Corriverton, Port Mourant, Bush Lot (WCB) and at Henrietta on the Essequibo Coast.

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Tara Chandra

General Manager

Diamond Insurance Television Commercial 

Diamond Fire & General Insurance Inc.

Lot 11 Lamaha Street, Queenstown, Georgetown

(between New Garden & Oronoque Streets)

Hours: Mon - Thurs: 8 am - 4:30 pm,

                              Fri: 8 am - 4:15 pm




Social Media

            (592) 223-9771-3           (592) 623-5038​               (592) 223-9770             


                     (592) 623-5038


Now accepting payments by:



Diamond Branch

Pln. Diamond, East Bank Demerara

(Demerara Bank Building)

Tel: 265-5057

Mobile: (592) 624 DIAM (3426)

Hours: Mon/Tues/Thurs: 8am to 4:30pm

Wed: 8am to 12 noon

Fri: 8am to 4:15pm

Sat: 8am to 12 noon





New! West Coast Office

Tract DBL Block 2 Groenveldt

West Coast Demerara,

Tel: (592) 276-0085

Mobile: (592) 624 WEST (9378)

Hours: Mon/Tues/Thurs: 8am to 4:30pm

Wed: 8am to 12 noon

Fri: 8am to 4:15pm

Sat: 8am to 12 noon



Giftland Mall Office 

1 Plantation Pattensen,

Turkeyen, Georgetown 

Tel: (592) 222-7110 

Mobile:  (592) 624-MALL (6255)

Hours: Mon-Sun: 10 am - 6pm

Holidays: 10 am - 6 pm



Essequibo Office

Lot 7 E Henrietta (Barakat’s Mall),

Essequibo Coast

Tel: (592) 624-3773 (ESSE)

Hours: Mon - Thurs: 8 am - 4:30 pm

                            Fri: 8 am - 4:15 pm




Bush Lot Office

Lot 19 Section D BushLot  ,

West Coast Berbice

Tel: (592) 232-0080 

Mobile: (592) 624 2560

Hours: Mon - Thurs: 8 am - 4:30 pm

                            Fri: 8 am - 4:15 pm

                            Sat: 8 am -noon


Port Mourant Office

Lot 1 Port Mourant,

Corentyne, Berbice.

(IPED’s Building)

Tel: (592) 336-6405

Mobile: (592) 624 PORT (7678)

Hours: Mon - Thurs: 8 am - 4:30 pm

                            Fri: 8 am - 4:15 pm




Corentyne Office

Lot K & L N0. 78,


Corentyne, Berbice

Tel: (592) 335-4572

Mobile :(592) 624-CORR (2677)

Hours: Mon - Thurs: 8 am - 4:30 pm

                            Fri: 8 am - 4:15 pm



Mahaica Office

Helena No. 1, Mahaica

East Coast Demerara

(Demerara Bank Building)

Tel: (592) 228-5544

       (592) 624 MCHA (6242)

Hours: Mon - Thurs: 8 am - 4.30 pm

                             Fri: 8am - 4:15pm

                             Sat: 8am-12noon



Diamond Fire and General Insurance Inc. 2021 ©

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